Association Gathering of the Tribes.

‘Gathering of the tribes is a call to the four corners of the world -a call to gather the colors of the rainbow -in one light, across global tribes under one fire, one heaven.’

Gathering of the Tribes (GOTT) is a community of passionate and innovative people, where tradition and creativity unite in a beautiful balance, with respect for each other and all our relations. Since 2018 -the seed has grown into a strong vibrant and organic community, that comes together with love for the development of cultural happenings and concert events and together manifests beautiful things around our common interests in life.

The connection between people through spirit, music and culture -without borders, is what Gathering of the Tribes, in its purest essence, is all about. It is our highest desire to cultivate and create a community of people with great diversity, common interests -driven by positive energy. A place where free spirit, mutual respect and interaction between people transcends into beautiful meetings and events.

We gather around the fire, the drum and the many different activities across national borders, traditions and social divides. The association activities and events create beautiful authentic and deep heart meetings, sowing the seeds for new strong relations. Relations and friendships that live on after the camps and events -and in this way makes the activities a catalyst for authentic community -all year round.

Children and teenagers

We naturally involve the children in our lifestyle and interests. In this way, the children also become a completely natural part of the large community. Children are the future of all of us. Through their participation, they encounter a view of life which helps to expand their understanding of the world. Here they learn about the connection to nature, the fire and the spirit, and become acquainted with various shamanistic traditions.


For thousands of years, the shamanic drum has been used with song and dance, to connect us with the pulse and heartbeat of Mother Earth. Three simple implements -which together and individually can create a ceremonial space, where we can connect with the cycle of life. It is with this pulse -that the seed was sown for the Gathering of the Tribes.

The Gathering brings people, music, nature and spirit together. We unite in a ceremonial community of spirit, where the fire and spirit are the center, we all gather around. We seak through our activities and community, to create a fertile ground for a deeper presence by sharing ceremonies, rituals, stories, wisdom and knowledge from the four directions.

The vision is to bring together the shamanistic traditions from different cultures, by reaching out to the four corners of the world and thus bringing together the colors of the rainbow, in one light around one fire – across tribes.

Free birds fly best

We are a self-financed Non-profit association with an economy that is created based on voluntary and hard-working efforts. The association welcomes everyone, people who share our core values ​​of respect, tolerance and cultural and human values.

We are all Related ♡